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Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy is intended to help you understand how we use, share and protect the information in our software. It is therefore important that you read it carefully.

The uappi® and well.commerce® software are the exclusive property of WSTORE TECNOLOGIA S.A., registered with the CNPJ under No. 10.831.068/0001-76, with headquarters at Rua Nilo Peçanha, nº 507 - salas 9 e 10 - Centro, in the city of Birigui, state of São Paulo.

WSTORE TECNOLOGIA S.A. is committed to the security and privacy of its users' information, guaranteeing that the information stored will be protected and will not be published or commercialized under any circumstances, i.e. your information will be safe with us and will not be improperly transmitted to third parties. The security of your data is very important to us, which is why technical and organizational measures have been adopted in accordance with the rules established for the security of personal data in order to prevent unauthorized or unlawful processing, and against any accidental loss, destruction, theft, damage, alteration, manipulation or interception and/or disclosure, in view of the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed.

The system has data encryption protection for user passwords. The user is aware that the software collects the user's personal data for the purpose of promoting and operating the order transaction between the consumer and the shopkeeper.

Our company is committed and responsible for respecting and complying with the General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13,709/18) and other applicable laws, guaranteeing and safeguarding your right to privacy.

In this privacy policy ("Policy"), we inform you ("User") clearly and transparently about the means of collection, use, purposes and processing of your personal data.

The personal data of the User's customers will be processed by WSTORE TECNOLOGIA S.A., which it defines as the Data Processor ("data operator"), and the User as the Data Controller, in accordance with the General Data Protection Law No. 13.709/18 (hereinafter "LGPD") and the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data.

About the collection of personal data

Personal data is any information relating to people that can be identified, directly or indirectly, through information such as: name, CPF, function or position, location data, e-mail address, IP address, mobile phone number, whatsapp.

The data requested from the user in our software is:

  1. a) Shopkeeper: name, e-mail address and telephone number;
  2. b) Consumer: Name, e-mail address, social security number, telephone number, full address and products purchased.

Purpose and Processing of Personal Data Collected

Personal data may be used to contact the user to offer products/services of interest to the user and which are directly related to the use of this software.

In addition to the personal data entered, the software may collect data by other means, such as cookies. Any use of cookies or even other tracking tools by the application serves to identify users and remember their preferences, for the sole purpose of providing the services they require.

Consumer data may also be shared with third parties by our software in order to fulfill the purpose of its tool, which is online sales, so data such as name, CPF, full address, telephone, e-mail, and product purchased may be shared with third party companies such as: ERPs for the purpose of issuing invoices, carriers for the purpose of logistics, anti-fraud tools for the purpose of fraud analysis, CRMs for the purpose of customer relations and other tools that the retailer integrates through our API and informs in its commercial policies and privacy policies.

International data storage

As the internet is a global environment, certain services may require you to transfer your data to other countries.

The data collected will be stored on servers located outside the country, and may use other resources and services in the cloud, which makes it possible to transfer and process the data abroad, however, they are strictly treated in accordance with art. 33 of the LGPD (General Data Protection Law) and other international legislation, maintaining the same security and privacy standards as in Brazil.

We take all security measures in accordance with our policies and adopt standard clauses in the contracts with these service providers, which are duly certified, with privacy codes of conduct compatible with Brazil, and only with countries that provide a high degree of protection, as required by law;

By browsing our websites, apps and shopping in our stores, you agree to the processing of your information, including the international transfer and storage of your data. We take steps to ensure that any information we collect is treated securely, in accordance with data protection standards and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Access to personal data through our software

It is the responsibility of the users of our software to use this data to manage the e-commerce operations for which the software was intended, as well as to use this data in good faith, without risking consumer privacy, and to be responsible for any damage caused as a result of the misuse of this information.

Users of our software (shopkeepers) have access to the personal data of the consumer registered in the software, but are aware that any viewing, addition, alteration, deletion or export of personal data will be recorded in logs within the software and can be consulted by higher hierarchical levels in the company.

Cookie policy

Cookies are systems used on certain websites that store information when you visit them, such as the location of access, number of visits, language, IP address, etc. This allows the site to provide metrics and research on users.

When you visit our software, a cookie is inserted into your browser by software such as Google Analytics, facebook, hotjar, navegg, and others to identify how many times you return to our address. Information such as IP address, geographical location, gender, age group, reference source, browser type, length of visit and pages visited is collected anonymously.

Cookies can be divided according to the information they store and their purpose:

  1. Necessary cookies: These are essential for the software to load correctly and allow you to browse normally, as well as make use of all the features available.
  2. Performance Cookies: These help to understand how visitors interact with the software, providing information on the areas visited, the time spent on the site and any problems encountered, such as error messages.
  3. Functional Cookies: These allow the site to remember your choices in order to provide a personalized experience. They allow Users to watch videos, use social tools, comment fields, forums, among others.
  4. Marketing Cookies: These are used to provide more relevant content of interest to Users. They can be used to present more targeted advertising or to limit the number of advertisements that are shown, as well as to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign.

User Relations

By providing your e-mail address, with your informed consent, to register with the software, you will be added to the customer list for sending messages with commercial information, training or promotions that relate specifically to the product/service offered.

The personal data collected may be shared with third-party tools for the purposes of marketing communications, promotions and discounts, at the request of the Controller.

Users' personal data may be used for legal purposes when demanded in court or when necessary to file a possible legal action arising from improper use of this service or related services. It may also disclose personal data at the request of the public authorities or to comply with a legal obligation.

Personal data may be shared to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights, including providing information to third parties for fraud prevention and credit risk reduction purposes.

This software and any third-party services may collect files that record interaction with this site (logs, system registry) or other personal data, such as the user's IP address (internet protocol address that identifies a computer) or ID (identity), for maintenance of the device or any other form of operation that is necessary for its updating and operation.

The data collected will be processed for an indefinite period, and deletion and validation of ownership is possible upon request to the data controller, unless there is a valid and specific legal basis for maintaining certain information, in accordance with the General Data Protection Law.

The Data Protection Officer

We can be contacted via the Data Protection Officer (DPO) responsible:

Name: Luciano Marcolino Sanches


In the event of a breach or security incident that could result in significant risk or damage to data subjects, the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), the controller and the data subject will be notified in accordance with the Incident Response Plan.

Data Subject Rights

In compliance with the provisions of article 18 of Law 13.709/2018, the holder of personal data collected by the controller via this application may at any time and upon request obtain:

I - Confirmation of the existence of treatment;

II - Access to data;

III - Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;

IV - Anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary or excessive data, or data processed in breach of current legislation;

V - Portability of data to another service or product provider, upon express request and safeguarding commercial and industrial secrets, in accordance with the regulations of the competent bodies;

VI - Deletion of personal data processed with the consent of the data subject, except in the cases provided for in Article 16 of Law 13709/2018;

VII - Information on public and private entities with which the controller has shared data;

VIII - Information about the possibility of not giving consent and the consequences of refusing;

IX - Revocation of consent, pursuant to § 5 of art. 8 of Law 13/709/2018.

Cancellation and deletion of personal information

You can always opt out of receiving any type of e-mail from WSTORE TECNOLOGIA S.A. by checking the "Unsubscribe" box in the e-mails you receive so that the activity can be terminated by the organization. To change your personal information or even delete it from our database, simply send an e-mail request to the Data Protection Officer (DPO).

Changes to the Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy set forth herein is valid indefinitely. WSTORE TECNOLOGIA S.A. reserves the right to modify these documents at any time, especially to better adapt them to current legislation and to adapt them to service developments, either by making new functionalities available or by suppressing or modifying existing ones, which will be done by notifying users on this page and requiring them to give new consent. Any changes and/or updates to these terms will take effect from the date of publication on this site and must be observed by Users.

This Privacy Policy may change at any time, which will be done by notifying users on this page and requiring them to give new consent. It is recommended that the Privacy Policy is consulted frequently.

In the event of disagreement with any of the changes, the user must cease using this service by requesting the deletion of their personal data, by contacting the Data Controller responsible.

Final Provisions and Free and Informed Consent

Aware of all the possible implications that will arise from the processing of your personal data, by clicking on ACCEPT you will be providing your free and informed consent to the processing of your personal data in view of the specific purposes contained in this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy has been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the General Personal Data Protection Law - Law No. 13,709/2018.